There is no more impactful way to influence the education profession than to be part of your professional organization.   We are education professionals with a passion and a driving commitment to elevate the education profession.

HCTA is not just for teachers.  We offer membership to a variety of roles within schools. Those include teachers, school counselors, school psychologists, school social workers, and educational support professionals (assistant teachers, classroom paraprofessionals, clerical staff, , etc.)  There is also a  union for retired teachers – HEA-R.

Educational unions can, and do, have greater positive influence on the quality of our schools than school boards, administrators, politicians, or anyone else.

Now more than ever, it is important that we stand strong together and fight for a better future for our profession, our schools and our children. 


If you would like to join HCTA, it couldn’t be easier!  Just click on the link below and fill out a short membership form:

If you have questions about the form please contact:

Email address:


USPS address:

Hillsborough Classroom Teachers Association
3102 North Habana Avenue
Tampa, FL 33607