60 In-service Hours. 30 hours class time plus 30 hours independent work required for successful completion of the course. PD points will be awarded. Please call HCTA office at (813) 238-7902 to register.
November 15, 2019
November 15, 2019
HCTA FYRE is collecting toys for A Kids Place. Donations can be brought to the December Rep Council or dropped by the HCTA Office
Education Town Hall Join community members, teachers, educational support professionals and legislators for this Public Education Town Hall meeting which will include a student panel.
To see the proposed Instructional Contract, MOUs, and revised salary schedules and the ESP revised salary schedules go to our CONTRACTS Page. {Click here to be taken directly to the Contracts page.}
Foundations of Reading Instruction 30 hours classroom time plus 30 hours independent work for a total of 60 In-service points. Required for Reading Certification. Must attend all 5 sessions 9/28,10/12,10/26,11/16,12/14 RSVP on app or by calling HCTA 813-238-7902 For compete information click HERE
Gen answers to your questions about student loans, loan forgiveness, your loan servicer, budgeting! Thursday, November 14 from 5-6 pm @ HCTA For more information see the Flyer and Workshop checklist
Come join State Representative Adam Hattersley for a town hall focused on teacher’s issues & public education in Florida in partnership with HCTA & HCPS. To see the full flyer click here. Monday September 30 6:30 – 8:30 pm Brandon High School Cafeteria