November 2, 2017

Annual ESP Celebration

All ESP members are invited to join us for a celebration honoring our ESPs  as MVPs on November 15 from 5 – 7 p.m.  Enjoy dinner, prizes, celebrations and solidarity with union friends  Please RSVP to (813) 238-7902 (HCTA office) by Thursday, November 9th.  Happy National ESP Day!
September 5, 2017


The Certified Rep Training scheduled for this Saturday, September 9, has been cancelled due to the unpredictable weather conditions surrounding Hurricane Irma.  Training has been rescheduled for Monday, September 25, from 5  8:30 pm.  This is a condensed no-frills version of the training.  Dinner will be included.  If you are already registered and cannot attend the rescheduled date, please email xiomara.martinez@floridaea.org.  If  you have not previously registered and would like to attend, you should also email Xiomara.
July 26, 2017

2016-17 Teacher and ESP Salary Tentative Agreements and Ratification Information

The Hillsborough Classroom Teachers Association (HCTA) reached tentative agreements with the School District of Hillsborough County on the following items: MOU – Salary and Benefits (Teacher & ESP) ESP Salary Scale ESP-Bus Rider MOU Active employees of the Hillsborough County School District, in the Teacher Bargaining Unit and the ESP Bargaining Unit (Para and Clerical), are eligible and encouraged to vote on the ratification of these agreements. By law, both members and non-members are eligible to vote. The Board is tentatively scheduled to take action on November 15, 2016. Bargaining Unit Members will vote via the Votenet secure e-ballot system between November 16 at […]
July 26, 2017

Save the Date! School Board Candidate Screening Interviews will be held on Monday, May 16 at 5 p.m.

Don’t miss this important opportunity to meet school board candidates and hear their opinions on important issues impacting our schools. All members are welcome to attend, but you must hear all candidates in a particular race to cast an endorsement ballot. We will begin at 5 p.m. and refreshments will be provided. While RSVPs are not required, they will help us to make sure we have enough food! Please RSVP to Xiomara at 238-7902.   HCTA May Representative Council and General Assembly—May 12, 2016 at 6 p.m.   May 12 will be our last Rep Council for the 2015-16 school year. […]
July 26, 2017

Contract Ratification — Information and Documents

The Hillsborough Classroom Teachers Association (HCTA) reached tentative agreements with the School District of Hillsborough County on the following items: MOU – Salary and Benefits (Teacher & ESP) Memorandums of Understanding – Teacher and ESP Units Contract Updates – ESP Unit Updated ESP Salary Scale Updated Psychology Salary Scale MOU on ESE Scheduling Active employees of the Hillsborough County School District, in the Teacher Bargaining Unit and the ESP Bargaining Unit (Para and Clerical), are eligible and encouraged to vote on the ratification of these agreements. By law, both members and non-members are eligible to vote. The HCTA Election Committee will meet between […]