Third is the advocacy HCTA does for protecting our profession – which again kind of relates to the activism piece above – but can lead to getting more involved and information on the FEA legislative page: Issues & Action | Florida Education Association (

Behind the Scenes

      • Signing petitions.
      • Research and writing (articles, letters, op-eds, etc.).
      • Making phone calls.

In Your School and Local Community

      • Organizing: encouraging colleagues and community members to be active advocates for public education.
      • Educating: talking with people in your community about the issues and what our legislators are doing.
      • Non-partisan voter mobilization: help GOTV (Get Out The Vote) encourage people in your community to vote.

In Hillsborough County

      • Organizing community events: assist with organizing community forums and/or rallies.
      • Educating local leaders: talking with legislators about the issues you face on a daily basis as an educator.
      • Be a Committee Member: participating in joint HCTA & SDHC committees. Learn more.

Group Activities

      • Conferences: participating in conferences discussing issues surrounding educators and public education.
      • Training: attending training sessions to learn skills and strategies for successful direct action organizing.

At the State Level

      • Lobbying: participating in lobbying efforts at the state level.
      • Litigation: actively supporting litigation efforts, such as FEA’s law suit regarding the 3% retirement contribution.

Links to our affiliate’s advocacy pages: