April 14, 2018

2018 NEA Rep Assembly & AFT Convention Delegate Election

Voting for delegates to the NEA Representative Assembly and AFT Convention will be held from noon April 16, 2018 –  noon April 25, 2018.  All members as of March 29, 2018 are eligible to vote in this election.  You will be able to vote on the VOTENET website.   Once your identification (user name/password) is accepted you will be able to view the ballot with statements provided by the candidates.  If you need assistance with on-line voting, please call the HCTA office immediately @ (813) 238-7902.  Sherry Gunn will be available to answer your questions.
February 23, 2018

President & Board Election Results

On behalf of Norma Goff, HCTA Election Committee Chair Voting ended on Wednesday for the  2018 HCTA Officer and Board Elections. The committee reviewed the voting data that evening, contacted the candidates who were not present and certified the results. All four races on the ballot  were determined by a majority vote and the results are as follows: President Rob Kriete was elected with 51% of the votes cast in that race (841 votes). Valerie Chuchman received 44% of the votes (738 votes).  Felecia Johnson received 5% of the votes (82 votes). Teacher Director, Seat 2 Hiedi Glick was elected […]